War vs Anti-War media
"War. War never changes." (Fallout 2004). War hasn't always been such a large part of the American ideology. We used to be isolationist, and had a policy against going over seas to fight other peoples battles. In my opinion, this is when America was at its best. Sadly, as long as I've been alive, we have technically been at war. Yet, I genuinely cannot say why we are at war. I initially thought it was oil, but then it was because of ISIS, and now the saying is "peace in the middle east." There is definitely something wrong when the general public cannot say why we are even at war to begin with. Why is it our responsibility to make sure the world is at peace, and who's to say that we are always in the right with our tactics? Better yet, why do we only hear about pro-war sentiments, and how great we are as a country for getting involved in other peoples business? The reason we don't see a ton of anti-war media nowadays is because, to an extent, the government controls what is being put out to the public. They do not want the truth to come out regarding what "war" really means and how many people the US kills everyday. The mainstream media allows this because it is profitable for them to not talk about anti war sentiments. Not only do the more fluffy pieces generally get more views, they have to do what the government says or else it will lead to lawsuits or getting budget cuts. There seems to be such a strict code when it comes to war speech because so many people in Washington make money on war, so they will do anything they can to keepthat flow going.
We used to be able to easily access media promoting any side of an issue, but it seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to find media regarding anything other than what the majority thinks or what the government says. This is becoming less and less common, even though there's the concept of protect dissent. I guess that isn't a thing when someone has the power to control what comes up when you search something. Hopefully we will see a resurgence of smaller, lesser known media (like bloggers) getting the view they deserve, and will help with the resurrection of free speech.
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